15th Annual Ruth’s House of Hope Gala Details on AM Minnesota 1-22-2018
The 15th Annual Ruth's House Hearts Gala Fundraiser is Saturday, February 10th at the American Legion in Faribault.
Executive Director Ruth Hickey will be on today's KDHL AM Minnesota program at 9:30 a.m. to give us details about the upcoming event.
The Hearts Gala theme coincides with Valentines and features live and silent auctions, a dessert auction and wine wall.
The wine wall has become a very popular feature.
The dessert auction is a signature event of the Ruth's House Gala and kicks off the evening of fun.
I've been told it typically provides a significant portion of the funds raised for Ruth's House which," provides transitional housing in a safe, supportive and healing environment to help women and their families on their way to a new beginning."
The theme for this year's event is Opening Doors and Windows.
Ruth will give us more details but funds raised are used to help with the upkeep of the home built over 100 years ago.
Tickets are $60 per person, $600 for a Corporate Table with seating for ten.
Meal choices include Prime Rib or Pasta Dinner and they would appreciate RSVP by January 31st.
If you can't listen at 9:30 a.m. to to www.youtube.com/user/KDHLRadio and watch the program at your convenience.
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