30 Infections Linked to Contact with Pet Store Puppies, 6 In Minnesota
CDC and public health officials in several states, including Minnesota, are investigating a multistate outbreak of multidrug-resistant human Campylobacter jejuni infections linked to contact with puppies from pet stores.
According to the CDC's website as of December 17, 2019, a total of 30 people infected with Campylobacter have been reported from 13 states (6 cases in Minnesota). A list of the states and the number of confirmed cases in each state can be found on the Map of Reported Cases page.
The cases of infections seem to be revolving around a national pet store Petland. Petland does not have any Minnesota store locations as the closest states with a Petland are Iowa and Wisconsin.
Some advice to pet owners if you are in the market for a new puppy from the CDC.
"Puppies and dogs can carry Campylobacter germs that can make people sick, even while appearing healthy and clean. People who own or come in contact with puppies or dogs should take steps to stay healthy around their pet."
- Adults should supervise handwashing for young children.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer until you are able to wash your hands with soap and water.
- Wash your hands after cleaning up urine (pee), feces (poop), or vomit from your puppy or dog. Clean up any pee, poop, or vomit inside the house immediately. Then disinfect the area using a water and bleach solution.
- Don’t let dogs lick around your mouth and face.
- Don’t let dogs lick your open wound or areas with broken skin.
- Take your dog to the veterinarian regularly to keep it healthy and to help prevent the spread of disease.
Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching your puppy or dog, after handling their food, and after cleaning up after them.