5 Ways To Help The Birds Stay Alive Right Now
The snow is melting away today. It had landed perfectly in our area at just the right temps and we made the best snowman snow that I've seen all winter. Ok, it is Spring...and that right there is where the problem comes in for our birds. All of their food that they typically find is under all that heavy, beautiful snow. Here are a few simple ways to help them find food and keep them alive and some kid-friendly activities!
1) Fill up your bird feeders. I know this sounds simple but during my drive around our winter wonderland, there were a lot of bird feeders that I saw that were empty. Go buy a really big bag of bird seed and just keep filling it up.
2) Go for a walk and bring some bird seed. My kids have a bit of a walk to their bus stop and this morning I told them to fill up a bag with bird seed and spread it out on their way. They thought it was fun and the birds have food that they can actually reach.
3) Make a peanut butter concoction for the birds. We have some flat areas where birds can come visit us but the bird seed tends to blow out of these areas. This little mixture is pretty handy for those areas. Mix in some peanut butter, seed...well, the whole recipe and how to is at this link: How to make peanut butter bird feed
4) Buy some mealworms! These look gross, I know, but the birds love them. We have a huge container at the house now that we have chickens, but all of the little things are dead so don't worry...they won't get you.
5) Put out some fruit! Robins eat cut-up raisins and frozen blueberries so make a little place setting for the birdies.
These are all pretty simple steps but there are Robins and a lot of other birds that are needing our help right now.
Got kids? This is a great lesson for them in helping our Earth. Plus, you will be amazed at how many birds show up just because you did a little something for them. Here are other tips and resources that are kid-friendly:
- If you put the food close to a window, kids will see the birds up close and can try to figure out the types of birds that are visiting!
- Bird facts for kids
- Downloadable worksheets for kids about birds
- Bird facts and stories from Kids National Geographic
I've got a few videos on my Instagram and Facebook page of our adventures to save the birds yesterday too!
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 10 am until 2 pm on Y105FM and 12 pm until 6 pm on 103.1 KFIL!
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