7 Things To Look Forward To As Winter Turns To Spring
We're almost past that February hump of winter in the Twin Ports and unless we get a big March snowstorm, at least the temps will start to be warmer.

Spring vibes already have me thinking of all the activities that come with it. Here's a list of things many are excited to do again, or do more of, when spring is finally sprung.
Now, a lot of people do this all year in the Twin Ports, but if you're not quite setup for it, this can be a challenge. Spring is the time when it's not so brutally cold that going out to throw some steaks or burgers on the grill is a little easier to handle. I skip on most winter grilling because I don't like being all bulky bundled up while doing it. Also, the coming in and out of the house during winter is a pain all around. So, bring on the spring, for some delicious grilling, even if it's not quite weather for eating outside.
First Spring Motorcycle Ride
There are die hard individuals who take their bike for a rip even in February up North. I saw two people out last week when the temps hit around 30. Once I store mine for winter, they are generally kept that way at least until the spring rain washes away the road salt and grime. Everyone I know that is a decently active rider certainly is anxious for that first spring motorcycle ride. With higher temps and hopefully less snow in our near future, even getting the bikes unwinterized is a bug people will be catching soon.
Getting Windows Open
We keep many of our windows in the home covered with plastic for the winter to help on heating costs and drafts. Even if you don't, how often do you get to open the windows in the winter, or how often do you even want to? Not very often is the answer for most people, especially if you're the one who pays the heating bill. A nice spring day when you can open the windows even if for a couple of hours, brings in that nice fresh air. It's great to finally do that after feeling like the air from the furnace has just made things feel stuffy for months on end.
Spring Cleaning
Okay, maybe this one isn't something that everyone gets excited about. I'm in between, where I enjoy it mostly if I can get the windows open, like mentioned above. That good spring cleaning of the house combined with some fresh air simply refreshes everything. Spring cleaning can also make the house feel lighter all around, which sounds silly, but it's true. Add to the list of spring cleaning you getting after that garage too. Ours became a catchall this winter, so I can't wait to undo some of that damage.
More Dog Walks In The Spring
Even some of the best dog owners I know don't get their furry family members out of the house for a good ole walk that often in the winter. Yeah, you might be cleaning up some muddy paws after, but it's generally refreshing for dog and owner alike, to get a good spring walk in.
Spring Camping
Sure, you can winter camp, but it's a lot harder than when the temps are decent outside. Also, if you do camp in a camper, that was probably winterized and stored away for the season. While March and maybe even April depending on the year aren't quite normal camper camping times, you can at least start planning those trips with friends and family.
Have A Spring Yard Sale
After you get that spring cleaning taken care of, you probably have some items you might want to sell. Spring in the Twin Ports is the official kickoff of rummage or yard sale season. Do it up, and if you get along with your neighbors, try to coordinate doing it on the same weekend for that multi-homes on the block rummage sale appeal.
These are on the top of my list, what's on yours?
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