Adventure Awaits Raffle Tickets Available in Advance of Night of Knights Auction
It's coming up, the big Night of Knights Auction - A Benefit for St. Mary's School, right here in Owatonna. What a fun night that is, great social event, and all to raise money for St. Mary's School.
The plans have been underway for the 34th Annual Auction since the day after the auction last year. It's a lot of work, run entirely by volunteers and by generous donations. The silent auction baskets are amazing to look at, and the live auction is so much fun to watch. The bonus, you know your money is going to a great organization. Last year, according to Jeff Hall, committee chair, they raised almost $200,000.
The Adventure Awaits is their raffle ticket theme this year, and there are some amazing prizes you could win with your ticket. Including:
- Grand Prize of a 2020 Lund Adventure 1775 Sport Fish & Ski Boat or take the cash payout of $15,000.
- 2020 John Deere X370 Lawn Tractor
- 1 week stay at the Wolf Den at Grindstone Lake, Hayward, WI
- And even more...these are great raffle prizes.
The tickets are $50, and there are only 1,500 of them available. If you want to get a raffle ticket, either reach out to your friends/family/neighbors who may have children going to St. Mary's, or, if you don't know anyone, you can call the school at 507-446-2300 and they will help you get in touch with someone to get a ticket. You don't have to have an affiliation with the school to get a raffle ticket, or to attend the Auction event, it is open to anyone.