Another Round Of Detours On-Tap This Weekend
I recently took a trip to Northern Minnesota and I left on a Thursday afternoon and came back on a Sunday. I didn't have any issues Thursday, but all of a sudden on Sunday I had to figure out how I was getting back to Southern Minnesota as there were closures and detours all over the place. Well, get ready for more detours this weekend if your heading North.
There is SO much going on this weekend, outside the Faribault area. There is the Irish Fair of Minnesota on Harriet Island in St. Paul, the Pizza Luce Block Party in Minneapolis, Saints and Lynx games and Zac Brown in concert Friday at Target Field - so many things to do and places to go this weekend. Road construction and a light-rail shut down might make it hard to get to where you are going.
For the third straight weekend, Interstate 35W will be closed in Minneapolis, but this time around it’s only between NE. 4th Street and County Road C in Roseville. The past two weekends the freeway closure ran from Crosstown to Interstate 694.
Transit riders will find portions of the Blue and Green light-rail lines out of service from 12:15 a.m. Saturday until 3:30 a.m. Monday. Buses will fill in on the Blue Line between the 38th Street station and Target Field and on the Green Line between Stadium Village and Target Field.
Those closures are just the tip of the construction iceberg. Portions of I-35 to the North and South of Faribault are still under construction and MnDOT is reminding you to expect delays.
There is some good news, we are in the month of August, and the bridge work in and around Owatonna is slated to wrap up in the Fall of 2018. That could be September in my book!
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