Are You Inviting Burglars to Your Home?
Something simple, that you enjoy doing, might turn out to be an invitation to burglars that your house is ripe for picking. Posting pictures on Facebook while you are on vacation, alerts people to your vacant home.
Consumer Reports offers up several tech tips to smooth out your travels. Included in the list is limiting who sees your posts. This can be done through the 'Friends' tab on Facebook, according to Consumer Reports. You could also wait until you get home from your trip to post pictures.
The publication also recommends light timers, making certain doors and windows are locked and having a neighbor keep an eye on your house.
Among the other tech tips, Consumer Reports suggests checking your cell phone data plan, downloading Google maps for where you are going and downloading movies so you aren't relying on data or wi-fi.
You might also want to invest in a multi-phone charger to eliminate that as one reason for the kids to fight.
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