Are You Ready for the Faribault Pet Parade?
Tomorrow night is the 80th annual Pet Parade in Faribault. You still have time to build that mini-float, aka, that radio flyer wagon wrapped in crepe paper, and get your pets and kids dressed up in cute matching costumes. I always find it amazing some of the imaginative and creative ideas people come up with to show off their favorite pet or pets.
Last year was the first time in several years that I attended the Pet Parade. I hadn't gone since my kids had grown up but my granddaughters were in town at the time and I knew they would enjoy seeing all the animals and their costumed owners. This year's theme is "Back to the 80's" so it should be quite colorful. I'm hoping for a few New Wave-styled entrants or maybe some hair metal-themed participants. Once again we'll load up the grandkids and stake out a nice spot along the parade route, which starts at Ninth Street and Second Avenue Northwest, heads south on Second, turns west on Fifth Street and stops at Central Park.
If you have a float or golf cart, make sure you get it registered ahead of time by calling (507) 334-2064. Make sure you're in your line-up spot by 6:20PM for the 7PM start. You can find out where you should be by visiting the Faribault Park & Rec Facebook page.
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