I once lived on a street in Minneapolis where there were three guys named Pete Hanson all on the same block -- but neither Pete nor Hanson make the list of most popular first & last names in Minnesota. Any guesses what did?

According to Names.WhitePages.com, these are the most common names in the Land of 10,000 Lakes:

MN's Most Common Last Names

  1. Johnson
  2. Anderson
  3. Nelson
  4. Olson
  5. Peterson
  6. Smith
  7. Miller
  8. Larson

MN's Most Common First Names

  1. John
  2. Michael
  3. David
  4. Robert
  5. James
  6. Mary
  7. William
  8. Jennifer

Everyone's job today is to go give John Johnson a high five (Michael Anderson probably deserves one too).

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