Cannon Falls Artisan Plaza To Host “Educational” Meat Classes
The 'M' in May must stand for Meat. Get ready for some educational classes about meat during the month of May at the Cannon Falls Artisan Plaza, as the classes being offered have been pretty popular in the past.
The Cannon Valley Butcher's Block is back in Cannon Falls on May 1, 2, and the 13th offering up some really interesting and educational classes surrounding meat. Some of the classes are more specific than others, with the class being offered on May 13th being all about making sausage.
On May 1st, there will be a class that is entitled "Hog - Whole Animal Breakdown Class" where class participants in the class will learn about "breaking two [hog] halves into primals and subprimals" The class description lists this class as being "great for meat eaters, farmers, and buyers of custom meat!"
If you remember this class was also offered a few months ago, and I would guess must have been quite popular in order for it to be offered up again. The class is probably one where if you've never purchased a half or quarter hog before this would be pretty educational in order to know what you might be getting in terms of cuts and selection.
On May 2nd, a hands on class is being offered up, for I would think both beginners and intermediate butchers who want to know how to carve up a portion of the hog on their own. The class is entitled "Pork Portion Cutting & Knife Skills Class." You can get full details on that class here.
And finally, on May 13th, there is the sausage-making class, which you can get full event details here.
You can get tickets for all three events being offered here.
All classes sound really fun, and will definitely be really educational for those looking at purchasing portions of a hog going into the summer and fall. Who knows maybe you can save a little by learning how to make some of the cuts yourself? A new side hustle anyone?
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