Celebrate National Goof Off Day
Are you sick of dragging your butt out of bed just to get ready for another day of work? Do you wish there was a day set aside each year where you could mix things up and have a little fun? Well, pick up the phone and call in, because today is that day. Every year, on March 22, it's National Goof Off Day, even known as International Goof Off Day. According to NationalDayCalendar.com this is "a day to relax, enjoy and goof off."
I like to call days like this a "Me Day." A day where you go out and do things you don't normally do, on what is considered a work day. It's a great mental break from all the crap that comes with working everyday. My Goof Off Day would probably involve sleeping in (which means sleeping until 7AM), heading up to the Twin Cities and perusing Menards or Home Depot, picking up some cheap CDs, records and books at Half Price Books, enjoying lunch with my oldest daughter and wrapping up the afternoon with a good movie. Not too crazy of a day, but it helps me forget work for a few hours.
So what are you waiting for, it's time to blow off work, turn on Power 96 for today's background soundtrack and enjoy the day. National Goof Off Day officially only comes once a year.