Community Asked To Make Cards For ‘Terminal’ School Staff Member
Blooming Prairie has had a tough year this year. There was a fire earlier in the year that claimed some buildings, a car dealership closed, and students in the district are dealing with distance learning due to COVID. You'd think that news like that would get a community down. Not in Blooming Prairie. The lot where the buildings stood before the fire took them out is now an outdoor winter wonderland with Cousin Eddie's RV and also features the Griswold Family Cruiser. But now there is one more thing you can do for the community. Drop off a card for a school employee who according to a post shared by the Chamber of Commerce in Blooming Praire, has a terminal disease and now is in hospice care.
The post was shared from the Blooming Prairie Public Schools page, and is asking for cards to be shared with Todd Nelson a "long time elementary school custodian" in the district as he battles a terminal illness.
If your family would like to show your support for Todd and his family, please feel free to make a card and drop it off in the elementary entryway by this Thursday afternoon. There will be paper/art supplies available in the entryway also if needed. The entryway will be open each day from 8:00 until 4:00. - Blooming Prairie Schools