Could This Minnesota Basketball Player’s “Defense” Be Credited To His Zodiac Sign?
I stumbled upon a website this morning that claims a person's zodiac sign could be a 'reason' behind certain behaviors. Take that last sentence with a grain of salt, but the website Astrology Zodiac Signs looked at the astrological signs of NBA players, and their "data showed how a player’s sign and personality traits may explain why they excel in various aspects of the game and reveals insights" into the playoffs, and into next season. One player highlighted early on was Karl-Anthony Towns of the Minnesota Timberwolves.
The Timberwolves lost to the Memphis Grizzlies in 6 games, with KAT being under the microscope at times during the playoff series. It was later revealed that Towns was playing with a malady of injuries, in an effort to will his team on to win the first-round series.
Towns' defensive rating for the playoffs, which was only the first-round series, was 115.7 according to the NBA's advanced ratings, which was middle of the pack for the playoffs at 164 overall.
"Success at the highest levels of basketball isn’t just about physical prowess, and being born under certain astrological signs may indicate that a player’s personality makes them more or less prone to excelling in aspects of the game."
The report states that KAT is a Scorpio, and that "Scorpios are poor defenders ranking dead last in steals and blocks, which may explain why Minnesota All-Star Karl Anthony Towns has faced criticism for his defense."
The overall conclusion of the report by Astrology Zodiac Signs was that "Success at the highest levels of basketball isn’t just about physical prowess, and being born under certain astrological signs may indicate that a player’s personality makes them more or less prone to excelling in aspects of the game."
So maybe it's nothing more than KAT's astrological sign rather than any other sort of deficit on defense. ;)
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