Cute & Chubby Minnesota Bear Cubs Caught On Trail Camera Before Taking It Down
Sometimes you just need to see something that will make you smile. This might do the trick. The Voyageurs Wolf Project up in Northern Minnesota recently shared a video of some bear cubs playing with each other along a trail. Then they decided to turn their attention to the camera that was watching them.
The post from Voyageurs doesn't have a lot of words other than let you know that "New spot. New camera. Different bears. Same result."
That is a reference to earlier this year they released video footage of another bear taking exception to be watched by a trail camera.
According to this Fox 9 article "A black bear cub in Northern Minnesota was captured on a Voyageurs Wolf Project trail camera re-adjusting the camera, with some "surprisingly good results," according to a Facebook post from researchers."
While the most recently uploaded video is not current, as it clearly was shot during the warmer months, it is still a good reminder that while most bears do hibernate, not all of the bears might hibernate straight through winter into spring.
According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, "Bears live in forests, swamps, and other areas with a dense cover but will wander into clearings to feed. They are found mainly in the northern third of Minnesota, but range as far south as the interface between the forest and agricultural zones, where they utilize corn and other crops for subsistence."

If you find yourself in the company of a black bear at your home or cabin, the Minnesota DNR offers up this advice "Wait and see if the bear leaves on its own. If the bear does not leave on its own, but approaches (e.g., comes up on the deck, or puts its paws on windows or doors), it’s time to try to scare it away: boldly shout, bang pots, slam doors, or throw something."
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