Dakota Rice Corn and Soybean Growers Plot Day
Mark your calendars for Tuesday August 20, 2019. The Dakota Rice Corn and Soybean Growers will be hosting their annual plot tour at the Mike and Kay Peterson farm one mile east of Northfield on Highway 19. This year the plot tour will be in the evening beginning at 6:00 pm. The meal will follow the tour at the Mike and Kay Peterson farm at 8187 Hall Avenue Northfield.
In addition to the plot tour and all the seed company representatives there to talk about their corn hybrids and soybean varieties, there will be local experts to talk about agronomic issues, the new farm bill sign up, the fall/store grain marketing decision and end of year planning decisions. The event is free to all corn and soybean growers in Dakota and Rice Counties. It is sponsored by the Minnesota Corn Growers and Soybean Growers and their checkoffs. There is always plenty of time after toe tour to talk with the company representatives and the local experts.
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