Documentary Director “It’s About The Journey Towards Healing”
Last week we told you that a documentary that will feature Arik Matson was in the early processes of being made. This morning I had the chance to talk with not only the producer and director of the project, Dale Mord of Rogue Productions, I was also able to talk with Christopher Tetrault of Hometown Hero Outdoors, who is assisting with the documentary project and also the hunt that Officer Arik Matson will be able to go on later this year in Alaska.
The premise behind the film, as shared by both men this morning, was not just about the hunt in Alaska for King Eider. Mund shared that the documentary is about the "recovery process" for not only Arik, but the entire Matson family, and the community that has come together over the last year, to help support the family since that fateful January 2020 day.
Mund went on to say that the film will "capture the hurdles" that Arik and his family have overcome in their journey towards healing.
The film, which will be filmed roughly once a month over the next 11 months, will document the journey of the Matson family, and Arik, and they begin to move on in life. The hunt is scheduled to take place in June, and production will hopefully wrap up by the end of 2022. Those interested in seeing the final product will have to stay tuned to Rogue Productions' social media page, for specifics on when it will be released.
Mord indicated that once the finished project is released, it would be great if it was picked up by an online "streaming service for all the world to see."
Tetrault explained that a majority of the fundraising for Arik's trip has been accomplished through various businesses and community members, but you can still help the family and the organization Hometown Hero Outdoors by shopping their online store for t-shirts and soon to be released hooded sweatshirts 100% of the proceeds go directly towards funding his hunt.
You can also further the impact of Hometown Hero Outdoors by donating directly to the organization on the website.
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