Does This Red Wing Minnesota Road Have Too Many Names?
There's a spot in Red Wing, Minnesota, with six names for one road/highway/etc. Six names? Yep. Take a gander. Maybe I missed one.
See? How can one Minnesota highway get so many names?
- Hiawatha Pioneer Traill
- Colvill Memorial Highway
- Disabled American Veterans Highway
- Great River Road
- Voyageur Highway
- Highway 61
And according to the Reddit post where I saw the conversation,
OOPS! 7 - Main Street.

One More Thing -
Another commenter brought up something entirely different, yet the same.
"Would someone also mind explaining why seemingly every road in rural Goodhue County has the suffix "Boulevard"?"
Maybe the sign makers get paid per letter? Boulevard means street, doesn't it? Heck, I don't know, but I guess I have some research to do next week, don't I?
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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As long as we're talking about Minnesota oddities...
Even our Twitter accounts are awesomer..er.