Brave Minnesota Air Force Vet On Humanitarian Mission IN Ukraine Needs Your Help (VIDEO)

At the end of March 2022, Mark J. Lindquist (motivational speaker, former political candidate, and US Air Force Veteran) was on the air with me talking about his plan to go to Poland and join up with other US Vets to help in any way they could (click here for that story). And now they could use your help, scroll down for that info.
He landed in Poland and was on the border with Ukraine for a while, but now he's actually IN Ukraine's borders, doing humanitarian work. (Click HERE for automatic video transcript)
According to his latest update, he's in Lviv, Ukraine "sourcing local products in the center of town where the US dollar goes very far." The list they're buying from came to life when they met with refugees, so this is actually putting US dollars to their best use to keep the economy moving.
Mark continues,
"One of the projects that we're embarking on now is Easter's a very big holiday here in this country...we're gonna be able to do some Easter baskets with some traditional Ukrainian food where these refugees up in the RNA will be able to just have that time together as a family as they're traveling to points west displaced during this war."
His closing line struck me particularly, "So on the ground in Lviv doing what we can for the people of Ukraine..." That's what all of us hope to do, isn't it? What we can do.
Do what you can do, with what you have, where you are. I don't know who said it first, but Mark and so many other US veterans are joining all kinds of civilians from the US and many other countries, trying to do what they can for the people of Ukraine.
If you would like to join the effort, but can't leave the USA, Lindquist outlines a way to do it here. Scroll down for his address and the wish list.
Mark Lindquist
Marszalkowska 80
00-517 Warszawa, Poland
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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