Emilia Clarke’s ‘Han Solo’ Character Name Has Been Revealed
Your young Han Solo name is the street where you grew up plus your favorite character from The Wire — in this case, that’d be Omar, aka Michael K. Williams. Just yesterday it was revealed that the Emmy-nominated actor was cut from the upcoming Star Wars spinoff, but he made sure to leave us a nice little parting gift on his way out: The name of the mysterious character Emilia Clarke is playing in the untitled Han Solo movie.
In a statement to Deadline, Williams explained that scheduling conflicts have kept him from filming reshoots for the Han Solo spinoff, leading director Ron Howard to cut his part entirely. While speaking to Vanity Fair, Williams expanded on his role, which was that of a half-human, half-animal who served as “a link between Han Solo and Emilia [Clarke]’s character, Kira.”
[Record scratch.] Wait — what was that? The Game of Thrones star’s role in the Han Solo movie has been kept secret until (seemingly) now. If “Kira” sounds familiar in the context of a certain galaxy far, far away, that’s because Daisy Ridley’s character was once rumored to have that very name. But according to MakingStarWars.net, Clarke isn’t playing a Kira. Her character is actually named Kura; it was simply misspelled / misheard by Vanity Fair.
It may not seem like much — it’s just her name, after all — but it’s a lot more than we knew at this time yesterday, so we’ll take it.
The untitled Han Solo Star Wars spinoff also stars Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover and Woody Harrelson, and hits theaters on May 25, 2018.