False Hope? Twin Cities Weather Service Calling For Warmer Temps Next Week
The National Weather Service in the Twin Cities is shooting its shot. The National Weather Service is calling for warmer than average temperatures next week, although you should know they aren't going to last. But we can all hope, right?
After seeing some VERY cold temps the next few days, and after the coldest month in the last 8 years, January 2022, those of us who reside in the big freeze will see some temporary relief by the middle of next week, IF the forecast is to be believed.
The post was a graphic of the temperature outlook for next week, and that blob of oranges and reds falls squarely over our area of the US.
Here's a little glimmer of hope for those of us that would like some warmer weather. Above normal temperatures are favored across the Upper Midwest for next week.
I will say the National Weather Service did end their post with two crossed-finger emojis.
The National Weather Service is getting some backup on their forecasted warm-up, as The Weather Channel is calling for temps to rise to nearly 40 degrees next week!
Next Tuesday is looking, right now at least, as the warmest day with temps expected to climb to 37 degrees before falling back down to more average temps in the 20s by the end of the week.
The warmth will also bring with it some melting, area ice fishermen might want to keep an eye on area lakes after the warmup, as icehouses could end up freezing to the lake after things cool back down due to the probable melt.
While we won't be donning flip-flops or shorts, the warm-up will make being outdoors a little bit more pleasant, at least compared to the colder than average temps we've seen over the last few weeks.
Take that groundhog!