Faribault Area Chamber President on AM Minnesota
Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce President Nort Johnson stops by KDHL for a visit today at 9:30 a.m. There are a lot of topics to cover. For example the Y-Pro group is going to Buck Hill in Burnsville tomorrow to do some snow tubing.
People will meet at the Chamber at 5:30 p.m. and then go to Burnsville for some fun. The fees is $25 and includes your transportation. Organizers plan on being back to Faribault by 9:00 p.m.
The February 3rd Gala was a success and I'm sure Nort will touch on that.
The Virtues Project has a free workshop this Saturday at Buckham Library in Faribault.
March 20th It's the Farm Business Breakfast and I'll ask Nort how we can get tickets.
If you can't tune in 9:30 on KDHL we videotape the programs and upload them to www.youtube.com/user/KDHLRadio.
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