Faribault Lions 53rd Pancake and Sausage Feast is Sunday
The 53rd Annual Faribault Lions Pancake and Sausage Feast is Sunday at the Faribault Eagles Club. Serving is from 7:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. One of the individuals who was on the original organizing committee will be on the KDHL AM Minnesota program at 9:30 a.m. Ray Sanders joins fellow Lion Deb Wasserman to give us details.
I am proud to say I am a member of the Lions. I am not a meetings person because I attend my fair share of those through work but if I can I help in other ways i try to do so. I enjoy work at this event. It's always fun to see so many people from the community and the surrounding area stop by the Eagles and enjoy delicious pancakes and sausage.
It's all you can eat. Last year was the first year for Free eye screening for children aged 6 months to 6 years. You don't have to eat to have those free eye screenings. We want all kids to have their eyes checked. Obviously we hope the smell of the pancakes and sausage entices you to enjoy some food, but it's not mandatory to purchase a ticket and eat to have those eyes screened.
Tickets are $7 for adults, children 12 and under eat for $4.
All proceeds go to Lions projects at the local community, state and national levels.
Please bring old eyeglasses and hearing aids to donate. They are recycled and enjoyed by those unable to afford them. If you aren't using them might as well put them to good use right?