Faribault Police Chief Andy Bohlen stops by the KDHL studios to discuss various policing issues.

Body cameras are the hot topic right now in law enforcement. Just this week Baltimore County announced they were outfitting 150 officers next July and then 1,400 officers the following year with the cameras.

The cost estimated to be $7.1 million over the first five years. They are estimating they will need to hire 21 additional people to manage the program -- attorneys and public information specialists because they need to determine what can be released to the public and what needs to be edited from the footage.

They estimate it will take five minutes of staff time to edit one minute of footage. Imagine the hours of footage that will be collected. How long do you store the footage? Where do you keep the footage? What should be released to the public?

A lot of issues need to be discussed. We will talk to Bohlen about that and touch on a few other issues.

Electronic crime is on the increase and hate crimes.

I hope you'll tune in at 9:30AM and become informed. If you can't listen at that time, go online to www.kdhlradio.com and the AM Minnesota tab and view archived programs, or go direct to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/KDHLRadio.

Faribault Police Chief Andy Bohlen
Faribault Police Chief Andy Bohlen


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