Former Macalester College Football Player Gets Offered A Chance With WWE
A former Macalester football player is looking to shine with a chance to compete with the superstars of the WWE. Randy Beidelschies, who last played for Macalester in 2019 as a Running Back, was recently offered the chance to join the WWE training program. You can see his reaction when former WWE superstar Triple-H offers him the opportunity.
Beidelschides will start off with the development team in Florida where the WWE trains wrestlers and builds the personas of the wrestlers. It's from the developmental 'farms' that the wrestlers then move up the ranks often competing during house shows.
In many cases, wrestlers who get picked up, much like in professional sports amateur drafts, don't always pan out. It might be an injury, a different experience than what they expected, or it might be that the recruit just isn't what the WWE was looking for.
But by being picked to head to Orlando to the WWE Performace Center, it does help someone's odds of making it to the highest level of professional wrestling. The Performance Center's website boasts that 80% of the talent on the WWE roster are graduates of the WWE Performance Center.
Best of luck to Randy on his journey to the WWE!
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