A wide-spread, nationwide voluntary recall has been issued for pre-packaged ground beef processed through Lakeside Refrigerated Services.  Stores in Minnesota and Wisconsin are included in the recall details.  The concern is the potential for E. coli contamination.

According to details shared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), 120,872 pounds of ground beef product are included in the current recall efforts.  That meat was processed by Lakeside Refrigerated Services from February 1, 2022 through April 8, 2022.  The ground beef was packaged and sold under a variety of different brand names and labels.

Each of the products contain the establishment number "EST. 46841" inside the USDA mark of inspection. The beef was sold as both bulk ground product as well as already pattied burgers.

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Getty Images

The potential for E. coli contamination was discovered by a routine FSIS inspection and testing of imported products. As of right now, there have been no reported cases of anyone becoming sick from the ground beef meat products.  However, the recall has been issued as a cautionary measure.

Customers might have the recalled ground beef in their refrigerators or freezers, being purchased weeks or months ago.  There are a variety of band names that you can look for - including (but not limited to):

  • Marketside Butcher
  • Naturally Better
  • Nature's Reserve
  • Southeastern Grocers, Inc.
  • Tajima
  • Thomas Farms
  • Weis

The complete list of recalled ground beef is available on the U.S. FSIS website. Here is a look at some of the labeling and packaging involved:

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Customers who believe that they have the recalled ground beef in their possession are urged not to consume it.  Discard the product or return it to the place of purchase for a refund.  Questions and concerns can be directed at Lakeside Refrigerated Services:  1-800-493-9042.

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