My father, August Herman Kosfeld, was born October 11, 1916, in Minneapolis. Sunday would have been his 99th birthday. I wrote this on October 11, 2015, and wanted to share it with you.

Today my dad would have been 99 in this life

He is in heaven now and three years ago, August was joined by his wife.

I miss them both and think of them every day

And often I mention them, when to God I pray.

Just last night I asked by Heavenly Father to help me attain the strength my father had

He was an exceptional earthly dad.

I never heard him take the Lord's name in vain

With me, my Heavenly Father has often had disdain.

Dad was such a Bible warrior, his nose often in the good book

I wonder if I see the same things when I look.

For I can read the same passage now I did a few years ago

And it speaks to me with a different heavenly glow.

In his elderly years dad was able to express his affection much easier than when his kids were young

I still struggle frankly because my heart has been stung.

It is hard to let go of such deeply felt hurt

My dad said to me once, you must trust in God with every fiber to enjoy life's dessert.

Wise words from a guy who had trouble in school because only German was spoken in his home.

Wise words from a man who worked his fingers to the bone.

Dad, I'm sorry I didn't keep the family tree alive

I'm sorry I didn't join the military like you and make you proud while you were here alive

All I know is I am so thankful that you were my earthly dad

You may not believe this, but I have thanked my Heavenly Father for you in happy times and sad.

I do have your arthritis and your bald head

But still would not want a different dad instead.

It won't be long and I'll hopefully join you and mom on the other side of the pearly gates

Where there are no borders or political states.

No religions, yes no religions in heaven, where all praise the only God

Religions divide us while through this life we trod.

No pain, no death, no heartbreak at all

No bone chilling cold or vehicles to stall.

No growing old , no saying goodbye

No more asking the question why.

Just loving with happiness and joy through all time

Actually no time to keep and no need for a dime.

With Jesus by our side, through eternity we go

Not a single worry about the world below.

Forever living in the light of heaven

My earthly brain can't even imagine.

Dad's Confirmation Gift
Dad's Confirmation Gift

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