We're going to be having a heat wave. A steamy heat wave. That means you need to be ready to keep yourself, your pets and your plants hydrated.

First of all yourself. Nothing beats good old fashioned water. It's socially acceptable now to be carrying around a water bottle, so do it. It's better than getting dehydrated. (I'll have some ways to tell you are dehydrated tomorrow).

Sodas, iced tea, coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine are second best to good old-fashioned water when you're trying to stay hydrated. You get water but they act as diuretics so you loose some fluid too. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

According to Web MD, here are some good sources to use to stay hydrated, besides water.

  • hamburger - some meats are up to 60 percent water.
  • chicken breast
  • soup, stew or broth
  • Jell-0
  • grapefruit
  • grapes
  • watermelon
  • fruit juice
  • sports drinks or flavored waters
  • smoothies

Remember to keep water out for your pets, and don't leave pets outside very long during the hottest parts of the day. Don't leave kids or pets in your car. Even with the windows down it's too hot.

According to bonnieplants.com, water vegetable plants two to three times a week. Watering the garden deeply is critical. You can help keep it moist by using a good mulch. If plants are in containers, you may need to water every day. Avoid wetting leaves when you can. Obviously if you water early in the day the leaves will get a chance to dry to minimize the risk of disease.

Enjoy the warm weather and don't stay thirsty my friends.

Tomwang 112 thinkstock
Tomwang 112 thinkstock

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