If You Are A Plumber, Today, Brown Friday, Is Your Busiest Day
While many people know today as Black Friday, where people leave their homes to head out to shopping malls and local stores to secure some of the best deals of the year for holiday gifts for family, it's also known by some people as 'brown' Friday. It's the busiest day of the year for plumbers in the US, as by now guests who've arrived at homes across the US put a strain on local pipes through various means.
According to this realtor.com online article, "hordes of plumbers will be dispatched across the nation to deal with the ugly aftermath of those gut-busting Thanksgiving feasts: clogged disposals, pipes, and toilets."
Typical plumbing issues that you can help prevent before you have to call the plumber as common sense things, like not flushing feminine hygiene products down the toilet. Realtor.com gives you some of the things NOT to put down your toilet.
"Never let guests flush feminine products, wet wipes, dental floss, and cotton balls down the toilet. Anything that’s not waste can clog up the toilet and cause it to overflow."
Along with bathroom backups that may require you to call a plumber on this 'brown' Friday, your kitchen drains will be feeling the strain as well after the feast you created yesterday. One of the most common things to happen during the holidays is a clogged garbage disposal. The most common thing that causes these type of issues is turkey bones, vegetable peelings, corn cobs, potatoes, and onions. Rather than try and force those down, put them in a garbage can, or in many cases with organics like vegetables you can compost them.
Finally, it's a good reminder to never pour "grease, oils, or fats down the drain, as they could solidify and block it up." instead you can fill up an empty can with that material, cover it, stick it in the freezer, and then throw it away once it's cooled.
And to all our plumbing friends out there, thanks for being on call, if you are needed today or any day.
H/T to Realtor.com for the idea.