IMPORTANT! What To Do If You Find a Fawn in Minnesota
Have you ever had a chance to see a brand-new, baby fawn? It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and one of the most adorable creatures you will ever see. If you are out hiking though, it could happen! And, sometimes, fawns are born in pretty odd spots, like at our house. A few years ago, one was born right next to our driveway in Rochester, Minnesota. It was so small, and it looked absolutely helpless.
I called my kids over so they could see the adorable fawn too but I seriously didn't know what to do next. Do I call a vet, Quarry Hill Nature Center, do I make a bottle and try feeding it?
Here's What To Do (And What NOT To Do) If You Find A Fawn in Minnesota
For those that are freaking out because I said that I was going to give the fawn a bottle, don't worry. I have teenagers. I don't have any baby bottles at my house.
If you are on a hike or happen to stumble upon a new fawn like our family did, here are a few things you should NOT do:
- do not touch
- do not disturb the fawn
According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, when fawns are found out in the wild alone, they are usually fine. Typically, the doe is not far away but tries to stay out of sight. The fawn should be left alone and can stay out in the wild on its own up to three days.
Quarry Hill Nature Center in Southeast Minnesota also posted the following reminder a few years ago about the importance of leaving the newborn fawns alone:
Do not disturb!
It’s that time of year again: Most fawns are born from mid-May to mid-June. During their first few weeks of life, they do not attempt to evade predators. Instead, they remain still to avoid being seen. If you see a fawn alone, please avoid disturbing them as they’re busy learning critical survival skills from their mothers (who are often foraging nearby). Be assured deer fawns do fine even if they appear abandoned or fragile.

Spring in Minnesota means more than just baby turkeys, fawns, and ducks being born. It also means that Minnesota's Largest Candy store is now open too! This is one place that you must visit at least once a year.
READ MORE: Minnesota's Largest Candy Store Is Open for the Season