The City Of Superior has implemented a brand new Sidewalk Snow Removal Route that's beginning this winter. The snow removal program is designed to help get kids safe routes to walk to schools and also helps with neighborhood connectivity.

When Does The City Clear Sidewalk Snow?

If it snows more than 2 inches with a storm, the city of Superior will deploy its equipment to clear the designated route. This is the priority route and no other snow clearing of sidewalks will be offered.

City Of Superior
City Of Superior

Property Owners Still Responsible For Clearing Sidewalks In Front Of Property

The city still says property owners are responsible for clearing the city sidewalk in front of their property along with any adjacent sidewalks. If their sidewalk happens to be on the designated Sidewalk Snow Removal Route and it snows less than 2 inches, they will still need to clear the snow.

City Of Superior Sidewalk Snow Removal Route

The route is part of the safe-routes-to-school program. As you can see on the route map, main walkways to and from schools are the priority.

City Of Superior
City Of Superior

What exactly are the city ordinances for property owners to clear snow?

According to the City Of Superior Ordinance, section 106-10:

The owner, occupant or person in charge of each and every building in the city fronting upon or adjoining any street, and the owner or person in charge of any unoccupied building or lot fronting as aforesaid, shall clean the sidewalk in front of or adjoining such building or unoccupied lot or building, as the case may be, of snow or ice to the width of such sidewalk within 24 hours of the snowfall and cause the same to be kept clear from snow or ice.

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