Tech Is Hosting a DAPE Event This Friday
Tech High School is hosting an adapted or DAPE track and field event this Friday starting at 9:30 a.m. Approximately 100 DAPE students with various physical and cognitive disabilities will participate in events that include a softball throw, shot put, soccer kick, long jump, bowling ball toss, and high jump. After a lunch the group will then resume with running events.
Schools with students involved in the activities include Tech, Apollo, Sauk Rapids-Rice and Sartell-St. Stephen. Sartell High School PE Teacher Jacob Sailor says an event similar to this took place in 2018 and 2019 but due to the pandemic it went away for years but is returning this year. Aimee Reischel at Tech has been instrumental along with area adaptive PE coaches in making this event a reality this year.
Awards will be given out.
If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Jake Sailor, it is available below.
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