December was kind of all over the place when it comes to the weather we had in Minnesota! Just in the past couple of weeks we got snow, had a white Christmas, and then it immediately warmed up and it melted.

ALSO READ: Most Mandatory Fees Banned at MN Restaurants Starting Jan. 1st

December isn't the coldest month of the year for us, though. No, the coldest month of the year is, you guessed it, January.

Wintery scene of a man shivering in a snow storm

However, January doesn't have the coldest temperature of all time in Minnesota. According to the Minnesota DNR, that belongs to February 2nd, 1996 when Tower, MN hit -60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cold adult woman covered with clothes at night at home
Thinkstock, Pheelings Media

According to Weather Spark, a typical January in Minnesota (in this case, Minneapolis specifically) typically sees highs around 24 degrees and lows around 10 degrees.

However, we're going to see temperatures much colder than that this coming week.

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Temperatures Well Below Average to Hit Minnesota Next Week

Predictions are showing that Minnesota is going to see temperatures well below average this coming week.

In the middle of December, NOAA released their weather predictions for January through March. They said that in January, Minnesota has an equal chance of being above or below average tempuratures.

noaa prediction for january 2025 tempurature

But some figures that I've seen shared on social media lately claim that we could see temperatures getting 30 degrees below the average!

Let's see if that figure is accurate. According to the forecast from The Weather Channel, here's what they're looking at next week for Duluth, the Twin Cities, and Rochester.

In Duluth, for Monday and Tuesday (the 6th and 7th) we've got highs in the teens and lows in the single digits. Then the rest of the week through Saturday the highs are all in the single digits. The lowest temperature predicted right now is Friday, January 10th with a low of -3.

duluth in winter, looking over lake superior, canal park
Ginger, Unsplash

In the Twin Cities, Monday and Tuesday are the same as in Duluth, with highs in the teens, and lows in the single digits. The rest of the week there are a couple of days that might peek into the double digits but otherwise, it's going to be single digits. The lowest temperature predicted is also Friday in the Twin Cities with a low of -2.

minneahaha falls in winter
Rod M, Unsplash

And finally, in Rochester, we've got the same story, highs in the teens, lows in the single digits for Monday and Tuesday. The rest of the week, mostly single digits. Friday is going to be the worst day in Rochester, too, with a low of -4.

woods with snow
Timo C Dinger, Unsplash

Those predictions aren't quite the 30 below average like I've seen on social media but it's still pretty cold weather that we need to be prepared for.

Make sure you've got everything you need to be able to tough out this cold.

13 Things You Need to Get for a Minnesota Winter Before it's Too Late

Whether you need a reminder of the items you'll want to have on hand for when the snow flies or if you're new to this whole thing, these are items you'll want to have to survive a Minnesota winter.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross