Kudos to Minneapolis and The Wolves for a Great Experience
Sunday my wife and I embarked on a first for us, we ventured into Downtown Minneapolis for an extended period to check out the Timberwolves game against the Suns.

One of the radio stations I work for is an affiliate of the Timberwolves Radio Network and the team held a gathering for the affiliates which included tickets to the game.
The Timberwolves provided us with parking options that were close to everything, which was helpful. And the City of Minneapolis along with the folks at the Target Center displayed signs that were easy to see and made finding the places we needed to find so much easier.
I’ve driven in Boston, Washington DC, Baltimore, Dallas, and Charlotte to name a few, and driving in Minneapolis was by far the easiest.
The gathering was held at Kieran's Irish Pub, which is across the street from the Target Center. Several radio stations from around Minnesota gathered in the room and enjoyed a meal and hearing from Alan Horton, the radio play-by-play voice of The Wolves along with Dell Demps, Vice-President Basketball Operations and Ryan Tanke who is the Chief Operating Officer of the Timberwolves and the WNBA Lynx team.
Then it was onto the game. We had never been to the Target Center, and I was worried the experience would be similar some we had experienced in the past, with poor signage, not able to find help and when you did find help, not getting much of what you needed.
But that was not the case. Accurate and visible signs, and plenty of people to seek help from. Those working at the event were so pleasant and nice. And helpful. All except the guy who kept the lids to our bottled sodas that we bought. But he was polite in telling me he had to keep them; he was just doing his job.
Maybe we had this “we’re from North Carolina and don’t have a clue what we’re doing look on our faces”. Either way, the event staff welcomed us and thanked us, including the guy who was “driving” the elevator as we were leaving the game.
We found the game experience to be outstanding. The engagement during timeouts was energetic and attention grabbing every time. From the dance team to Crunch’s Slam Squad to kids from the stands competing in a mini-dunk contest or the ultimate game of rock-paper-scissors.
P.A. Announcer Jedidah Jones is awesome. One of the best I’ve ever heard. The way he would emphasize The Wolves players’ names while just casually saying the names of The Sun’s players names. Beautifully done Jedidah.
The in-arena hosts led by Jon Berry kept the fans engaged and informed the whole time.
Many of you have probably seen this for yourself, but for those who haven’t, I understand that tickets can be expensive. But going to a Timberwolves game is so much more than just going to a game, it’s an experience.
We saw couples and families, along with groups of guys and groups of ladies who came to cheer on the team and enjoy the final regular season game of the year.
So, whether it’s a game in the playoffs or a regular season game next year, it’s worth the experience to go and make the memories if you can. The organization helps you leave Target Center feeling good no matter the outcome of the game.
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