Restrictions For ATV Riders As Hunting Season Starts in Minnesota
If you listen carefully, you’ll hear the giddy purr of excitement that hunters are feeling right now as the countdown to the opening of Firearm Deer Season this Saturday.

Hunters think about and strategize for these precious few days out of the year they can take to the woods. It’s a man versus beast, or a man versus nature arena that keeps them coming back day after day and year after year.
With all the excitement of the upcoming kickoff to the new hunting season, here’s something that you need to keep in mind if you ride a 4-Wheeler, ATV or (if the time comes) snowmobile, the times and areas you can ride are going to be restricted.
You may only ride before legal shooting time starts, which is one- half hour before sunrise, between 11am and 2pm, and then one-half hour after sunset.
This applies to all public and private lands.
An emergency permit could be issued by a Conservation Officer for use on public land in the event of an emergency or special condition. There are some cases landowners or those authorized to be on private lands can use an ATV or snowmobile.
The reason for these restrictions is to help reduce potential conflict between riders and hunters. Riders are encouraged to know the area they plan to ride on to try and avoid pitfalls or accidents. Avoid riding near streams, wetlands, lakes or rivers.
It would also be a good idea to wear reflective clothing if you’re going to be in an area where others may be. These ATV, 4-Wheeler and Snowmobile restrictions will be in place during both phases of firearm season as well as muzzleloader season which ends on December 15th.
If you have any questions, you should reach out to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
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