Man Murders Family, Media Attempts to Implicate Metallica
Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife and their two daughters on Aug. 13. Earlier this week, local TV station KCNC published excerpts of the extensive police report surrounding the case, which included a note about how Watts Googled the lyrics to Metallica's "Battery" after disposing his family's bodies.
August 13, 2018 (CBS4 note: This contains lyrics from a song which Chris Watts looked up on Google the lyrics include: “- lunacy has found me – Cannot stop the battery – Pounding out aggression – Turns into obsession – Cannot kill the battery – Cannot kill the family .“
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1010 hours: during a respite following the murder of his family, and disposing of their bodies at a desolate well site, Watts searched Google for the lyrics to “Battery” by Metallica. ”Lashing out the action, returning the reaction – Weak ore ripped and torn away – Hypnotizing power, crushing all thot cower – Battery is here to stay Smashing through the boundaries – Lunacy hos found me – Cannot stop the battery – Pounding out aggression – Turns into obsession – Cannot kill the battery – Cannot kill the family – Battery is found in me Crushing oll deceivers, moshing non-believers – Never-ending potency – Hungry violence-seeker, Feeding off the weaker – Ereeding on insanity Smashing through the boundaries – lunacy hos found me – connote stop the battery – Pounding out aggression – Turns into obsession – Cannot kill the battery – Cannot kill the family – Battery is found in me – Battery, Battery Circle of destruction, hammer comes crushing – Powerhouse of energy – Whipping up o fury, dominating flurry – We create the battery Smashing through the boundaries – Lunacy hos found me – Cannot stop the buttery – Pounding out aggression – Turns into obsession – Cannot kill the battery – Cannot kill the family – Battery is found in me.”
People Magazine noticed this and ran it as an angle to a story yesterday (Nov. 23). Their headline reads, "Dad Murders His Wife & Kids Then Googles Lyrics to a Metallica Song: 'Lunacy Has Found Me.'"
Over the course of rock and metal's histories, it hasn't been uncommon for songs, bands and artists to be implicated in court cases. It also brings the light the seemingly age-old debate of whether or not aggressive content breeds aggressive behavior.
This past Monday (Nov. 19), Watts was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences, as well as two additional life sentences, 48 years for the unlawful termination of a pregnancy and 12 years a piece for three counts of tampering with a deceased body.
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