Man Sleeping in Flooding Park Rescued by Rochester Firefighters
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - The Rochester Fire Department was called out Saturday morning to rescue a person spotted sleeping on a picnic table in Kutzky Park as it was being filled by water from the flooding Cascade Creek.
The statement says the 911 call came in shortly before 7 AM from a citizen concerned about the man's well-being. A Rochester Police officer responded to the scene and requested the Fire Department's assistance. Four of the firefighters put on so-called water rescue "Mustang suits" that enabled them to safely wade into the rising floodwaters and reach the man on the picnic table, which was nearly covered by the fast-moving water.
The Fire Department also launched a boat and stationed it downstream as a precaution while the firefighters put a personal flotation device and helmet on the man and then walked him to safety. He was evaluated and then transported by a Mayol Clinic Ambulance crew. Information about his medical condition is not available.
The Fire Department is also reporting that firefighters were called out overnight to assist the Olmsted County Sheriff's Department in the Salem Corners area south of Byron. In one incident, there was concern that a family might need to be rescued because their home was surrounded by the rising but it was determined the floodwaters had begun to recede and the family was not in imminent danger.
News update: Rochester And Neighboring Areas Hit by More Flooding