Marings to Lead 2022 Kenyon Rose Fest Parade
Tuesday at the Kenyon VFW it was announced Matt and Michele Maring of Maring Auction fame were the Grand Marshals of this year's Rose Fest Parade.
The Marings have donated their talents, equipment and more to benefit the community on the west end of Goodhue County.
The Parade was moved to Sunday this year in hopes of getting scores of Shriner Units. The Marings also have an auction on Saturday.
Matt and Michelle have worked hard to build the Maring Auction business with two sons now also involved.
At the announcement at the VFW Matt told the crowd he and his wife believe it's time to step aside and sold their portion of the business. Part of the deal they agreed to calls for them to assist for a couple years.
Matt started the auction business 42 years ago and said his first big auction was in 1981 when the local implement dealer was going out of business.
He said a number of seasoned veteran, "very good auctioneers" were vying for the job when the implement dealer decided they wanted a "local auctioneer."
Matt said he was very "grateful" for that opportunity and Maring Auction Company was on it's way. He specializes in farm and real estate sales.
During a special Rose Fest preview show on KDHL in Kenyon Thursday afternoon Mayor Doug Henke invited everyone to come to his town and enjoy the Rose Fest community celebration pointing out, "there is something for everyone to enjoy."
There were a couple of events Thursday evening but the bulk of the fun takes place Friday through Sunday..
Friday, August 19, 2022
- City Wide Garage Sales
- 7am-3pm Antique and Collectibles Sale at the Gunderson House
- 10am-4pm Book Sale inside City Council Chambers
- 1pm Kenyon Athletic Booster Clug Golf Tourney at Kenyon Country Club
- 5pm-7pm Hog Roast Inside VFW with assistance by the K-W Volleyball Team
- 5pm-8pm Wine and Beer Tasting at Lacey's Kitchen and Cocktails
- 6pm Gates Open-7pm Start- Iron Heart Pro Wrestling at Fire Hall 11 & under $10, 12 & older $20
- 7pm-9:30pm Free Live Music Inside VFW featuring "Mitchell Hall & The Tennessee Trio" (a 21 and older event)
- 8pm-11pm Free Live Music at Lacey's Kitchen & Cocktails featuring "8 Lives Down"
Saturday, August 20, 2022
- City Wide Garage Sales
- 8am 5k run/walk- KW Athletic Booster Club Fundraiser at High School
- 8am-2pm Kenyon Rose Fest Old Car & Truck Show No Entry Fee, No Registration. All Vehicles Must Be 1989 or Older. Instead of trophies people who bring their vehicles have a change to win $100 bills given away every hour on the hour beginning 8am. There will be an Early Bird Drawing. Must Be Present To Win. Mayor Henke said $3,500 were Donated by Local Merchants and Citizens to provide the cash giveaway. Show takes place on Forest Street. Organizers are also requesting participants to Bring a Non-Perishable Food Item to Donate to the Local Food Shelf. Questions may be directed to Bob Peterson 507-458-6778 or Lee Sjolander 507-491-6861
- 9am Tractor Pull at Maring Auction Lot Highway 56 North
- 9am-Noon Book Sale inside City Council Chambers
- 9am-2pm Vendor and Craft Market at Kenyon Event Center
- 10am Road Rally - Line up at Elevator
- 10am Kid's Pedal Pull at Security State Bank of Kenyon
- 10am-2pm Ladies Auxiliary Lunch at VFW
- 1pm-3pm Gunderson House Tours
Family Fun Day at Depot Park from 11am-3pm includes Free Inflatables-sponsored by Kenyon Snowdrifters, Free Face Painting-sponsored by Rose Fest Committee, Free Petting Zoo and Pony Rides- sponsored by Barrett Farms
- 2pm Rose Fest Regatta at Kenyon Pool
- Noon Euchre Tournament at Kenyon Municipal Liquor Store
- 3pm Bean Bag Tournament at Kenyon Municipal Liquor Store
- 5pm-7pm Family Bingo inside VFW
- 8pm-12:30am Street Dance at Kenyon Muni $10 Cover All Ages Welcome with The Dads performing
Sunday, August 21, 2022
- 9am Community Church Service at First Lutheran in Kenyon
- 1pm Parade Featuring Shriner Units and KW Band
- 3pm Zumbrota Community Band at Veterans Park
- 4pm Field of Flags Closing Ceremony at Veterans Park
Mac Macdonald told us you can purchase a flag in memory or honor of any American throughout their event. The suggested donation is $20. To reserve a flag just phone 507-789-5461. The Kenyon-Wanamingo football team helped with the placement of the flags at Veterans Park.
Organizers of Rose Fest shared the Medallion was found so the hunt is over.
I am honored once again to be asked to announce the Rose Fest Parade Sunday and invite anyone to stop by and say Hi.
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