MN DNR Reports A Cougar Killed By Vehicle In Bloomington
Well, last week we told you about an apparent mountain lion/cougar sighting that took place near Kilkenny. Before that there was a cougar sighting earlier this year near Dodge Center, now the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has posted about an apparent cougar that was found dead near 35W and 494 in Bloomington, after possibly being hit by a vehicle. Look at the size of those paws!
The Minnesota DNR took possession today of a cougar that apparently was hit and killed in the early morning hours by a...
Posted by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on Tuesday, September 29, 2020
According to the post from the Minnesota DNR;
The Minnesota DNR took possession today of a cougar that apparently was hit and killed in the early morning hours by a vehicle near the intersection of interstates 494 and 35W in Bloomington. The animal, a 115-pound male, was taken to the DNR Wildlife Research office in Grand Rapids, where it will undergo a necropsy to determine, among other things, if it’s wild and where it might have originated. Cougars are verified from time to time in Minnesota, but evidence to date suggests they’re transient animals from the Western Dakotas.
Could this be the same large cat that has been spotted around the area for the past few years? It's entirely possible as male cougars have a large territorial area according to the DNR website. A male cougar's territory is anywhere between 54-293 square miles.
It will be interesting to see what the necropsy shows as far as where the animal may have come from and what it was feeding on while it was in Minnesota.
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