MnDOT Announces 50 Finalists for ‘Name a Snowplow’ Contest
UNDATED -- The Minnesota Department of Transportation has announced the 50 finalists for its "Name a Snowplow" contest.
Some of the choices in the list of 50 names include "Betty Whiteout", "Blade of Glory", and "Catch My Drift".
MnDOT says they received over 11,000 submissions.
Choose up to eight (8) of your favorite names and be sure to submit your votes before midnight on Wednesday, January 26. They'll announce the winners and their future homes around Minnesota in early February!
Last winter's top 8 winners:
Plowy McPlowFace – Metro District
Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya – District 4
Duck Duck Orange Truck – District 1
Plow Bunyan – District 2
Snowbi Wan Kenobi – District 6
F. Salt Fitzgerald – District 7
Darth Blader – District 3
The Truck Formerly Known As Plow – District 8