More Trouble For Former Lakeville Principal
The Dakota County Attorney's office has now charged Chris Endicott with burglary, which is connected to a 2015 incident.
He was arrested in Ottertail County last week after Apple Valley Police wanted to get him into custody. He was expected to be released to the custody of a family member, but one of the conditions of his release is that he be checked out at Regions Hospital, to make sure he is not a threat to himself or others.
This most recent charge occurred from something that happened back in November of 2015. In that incident neighbors of Endicott called police after they found a basement window to their house was broken and opened. Two safes were pulled into a hallway and a couple of days later the residents reported that a white gold ring with a small diamond on it and a ring with keys to the house were missing.
Endicott was charged on Feb. 8 of this year with stalking to follow, monitor and pursue. After a search of his home authorities found evidence that he was stalking an initial victim. He has been on leave from Century Middle School since January. A Lakeville Police officer assigned to the school has been using Endicott's office. The officer found evidence in a cabinet linking Endicott to more crimes.The ring was later identified by the Apple Valley neighbor.
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