National Sibling Day – Celebrating Those Who Know You Best
For better or worse, your siblings are the ones you grew up with, who have seen you at your best, and your worst, and they probably know you best. They are also the ones who most likely have your back, will defend you to the death, yet, pick on you more than anyone else.
Today is a day for your siblings, it's National Sibling Day, a day to celebrate those relationships which usually are the longest relationships you'll have in your life. Siblings Day was created by Claudia Evart, a freelance paralegal from Manhattan, NY. Evart started the day after losing both of her sisters at an early age. What an amazing testament to her sisters, starting a day to celebrate those first friends in your life.
I come from a large family, larger than most, with 10 children, of which I am the oldest. My parents have been married for 45 years, so this is not a blended family, they are my full siblings. Along the way, there have been friends made by the children, that are now included in family gatherings and treated like siblings, so that brings the count higher, and if you count the in-laws... We can't all go anywhere together without renting a bus or having a large convoy of vehicles. And once you add in the grandkids, we need a large conference room to all gather for holidays. Of course, we don't rent a room, we all just crowd together for celebrations, after all, we're family.
Happy Siblings Day to all of my siblings, natural, in-lawed, and adopted in. Our family would not be the same without all of you! That also includes the fur-babies that are treated just as well as the human kids.
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