Nerstrand Passed New Fire Hall, WEM School Bond Approved
The City of Nerstrand asked voters Tuesday for permission to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new fire hall. The request passed by 11 votes. 82 yes and 71 no. The Mayor of Nerstrand will be Jarod Alvarez after he received 104 votes and Brian Bossmann got 39 votes.
Monica Gernandt and Jennifer Schwab were elected to the City Council in Nerstrand after amassing 85 and 77 votes respectively. The remaining results were Betty (Skip) Voge 57 votes and Pamela Caron 56 votes. Elected to the Dundas City Council were Grant Modory with 423 votes and Larry Fowler with 367 votes. Kelly Ludvigson received 335 votes.
Glenn Switzer ran unopposed for Mayor of Dundas. Dundas voters also participated in the tax question for a new civic center and ice arena in Northfield and the results in Dundas were 388 opposed and 372 in favor.
Three incumbents ran unopposed for the Northfield Public School Board. Julie Pritchard received 500 votes, Jeff Quinnell 494 and Tom Baraniak 384 votes.
In Morristown 34 votes separated the top two candidates for the Mayor post. Tony Lindahl got 182 votes and Kurt Wolf 156. Rick Vollbrecht had 97 votes cast for him.
The top two vote recipients for Morristown City Council were Timothy Flaten with 270 votes and Seth Prescher with 208. Jake Golombeski received 168 and Justin Duncan 106 votes.
The Communities of Elysian, Morristown and Waterville passed a request to issue general obligation building bonds not to exceed 19.3 million dollars for security upgrades at buildings in the district and improvement of the HVAC, mechanical and electrical infrastructure. The funds will also be used build a new addition to the elementary building for classrooms. 1,955 people said yes and 1,154 no votes were cast.
Five people ran for four seats on the W-E-M School Board. Pamela Baker received the most votes with 2,090. Travis Bowman had 1,816 and Jon Velishek 1,737. Right on Velishek's heels was Gary Michael with 1,716. Bob Joubert recorded 1,185 votes.
Marty Kelly will be the new Sheriff in Goodhue County after receiving 12,275 votes for the office. Paul Gielau was also attempting to fill the office after current Sheriff Kris Johnson chose not to run for the seat. Gielau received 9,821 votes. Gielau did very well in the Goodhue area and Kelly pulled away by winning all but one precinct in the Goodhue County capitol city of Red Wing.
The new Mayor of Cannon Falls is John Althoff and Mike Engel was re-elected Mayor of Kenyon. Althoff defeated Lisa Wilcox-Erhardt after receiving 69.1 percent of votes cast. The vote totals were 1,311 for Althoff and 568 for Wilcox-Erhardt.
In Kenyon incumbent Mike Engel received 66.5 percent of votes cast or 535 votes to Karla Bauer's 260 (32.3%).
Ten individuals wanted to be on the Kenyon-Wanamingo School Board and four were elected. The top four vote recipients were Kevin L. Anderson with 1,502 votes, Marilyn Syverson with 1,159, Debb Paquin with 1,050 and Tonya Craig with 1,013. Other results were : AJ Lindell 723 votes, Jennifer Lerfald 575, Kasey Cordes 569, Brad Kennedy 567, Phillip C. Parrish 455 and Mary Frutiger 447 votes.
Four people ran for three seats on the Cannon Falls Public School Board. Anna Olson had the most votes with 2,338, Bill Thompson got 2,143, Brenda Owens 1,934 and Nels Swenning 1,184.
Goodhue Public Schools passed both of their questions on the ballot in their district. The first question vote was 823 in favor and 652 opposed. The request was for the "issuance of general obligation bonds not to exceed $26,985,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities."
The second question results were 737 yes and 717 no. The first question had to pass for this to kick in. The request was for an additional $2,025,000 to "provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of the school site and facility, including the construction and equipping of an addition to the existing site and facility for multipurpose educational and community use."
Five people ran for three seats on the Zumnbrota-Mazeppa School Board. The top three were James Wendt 1,712 votes, Amanda Peters 1,642 and Jean Roth 1,576. All the candidates received over 1,200 votes.
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