Nick Mason Thought Roger Waters Was Joking About Guest Appearance
Nick Mason said he thought former Pink Floyd bandmate Roger Waters was joking when he asked to make a guest appearance with the drummer’s new solo band.
Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets recently completed their first U.S. tour, after forming around him to highlight some of Floyd’s earliest music. Waters shared the stage during their performance at the Beacon Theatre in New York City in April, singing “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.” Afterward, he told the audience: “Loving the show, by the way, Nick. My considered opinion is that you sounded a lot better than we did back in the day.”
Mason “thought Roger was joking when he asked if he could play a song with us," he told Rolling Stone after the concert. “I feel elated right now, but that’s generally how I feel after most of the shows. What’s not to like about this?”
Watch Roger Waters and Nick Mason Reunite on Stage
He admitted he didn’t think he could pull off the new band’s success to date: “I just thought, ‘Do I really want to go out there and get involved with punching it out with Roger, David [Gilmour], the Australian Pink Floyd Show and all the rest of it?" Mason mused. "I missed the playing and I missed the adrenaline of it."
Saucerful of Secrets made their debut appearance in London, U.K., last year, playing on the smallest stage he’d used since the early ‘70s. Afterward, Mason said he “felt 25 again. I could finally see the other musicians and we all made eye contact. I could see the back of the auditorium and everyone listening. Big stadiums are an extraordinary thing to do and it gives you the opportunity to do all the pyrotechnics and all the rest of it, but it’s not as engaging as an audience that you can see.”
Mason added that the band had no concrete plans for the future, but that more live appearances and a live album were under consideration.