No One Hurt After A MN 3rd Grader Fired An Officers Gun In Gym
A 3rd grade student at Harmony Learning Center in Maplewood fired a police officers weapon Monday. No one was injured as the gun was still holstered in the officers belt.
According to a news release by Maplewood Police Chief Scott Nadeau: The School liaison officer Lonn Bakke was in the gym with third- and fourth-graders "interacting with them and building relationships." It was then that a third-grader sitting next to the officer "reached over and placed his finger into the officer's gun holster and pressed the trigger."
The gun fired through the bottom of the holster and the round struck the floor. "The officer was unaware of the child touching his gun until the weapon discharged," the news release said. "The holster was a department-approved level 3 security holster, with trigger guard, that typically cannot be touched or fired in the holster, but the child's small finger was able to reach inside."
The incident which occurred shortly after 1PM is being reviewed and the style of holster involved is being evaluated.
It is unclear if the child will face any sort of punishment from the incident.
SOURCE; Star Tribune