Owatonna Police Department to Implement Body Worn Cameras
In a media release from the Owatonna Police Department, they are looking to implement the usage of body worn cameras for all licensed peace officers.
Part of the release includes the following:
Before a local law enforcement agency purchases or implements a portable recording system, it must first provide an opportunity for public comment by mail, electronically, and at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body with jurisdiction over the budget. There will be an open forum at the Owatonna City Council Meeting on November 19, 2019 during the regularly scheduled meeting that starts at 7:00 p.m. Otherwise, any questions can be sent via e-mail to jeffrey.mundale@ci.owatonna.mn.us
The usage of the so-called "body cams" is much more prevalent in several police departments throughout the state and country. This issue was discussed during the Citizen's Police Academy when I took the classes last year. The police department can, and does, see people at their most vulnerable, sick, dying, etc. These cameras will not take the place of good "policing" but, will add another level of accountability, as well as another angle of what is really happening on a call.
If you have questions or concerns about the usage of these cameras, reach out to the Owatonna Police Department's Capt. Mundale, or join the Owatonna City Council meeting on November 19th.
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