Pancakes for Pets
Tomorrow evening, at the Eagles Club in Owatonna, The Steele County Humane Society is having their annual fundraiser; Pancakes for Pets. I have gone to this the past couple of years, and you can't beat it. Breakfast for supper, you don't have to cook or clean up, and your money is helping out the Steele County Humane Society.
In addition to the pancakes, there will also be a silent auction and bake sale.
Advance tickets are $6, tickets at the door are $7. You can buy advance tickets at:
- Heartland Animal Medical Center
- Owatonna Veterinary Hospital
- Owatonna Veterinary Services
- Steele County Humane Society Office.
You can also call 507-451-4512 for more information.
They will be serving from 4:30 pm to 7 pm, I am looking forward to the event, it's fun to walk around and see the silent auction baskets, as well as visiting with people who are there to help support the Humane Society.