After announcing the Faribault Heritage Days Parade from my location at Parker-Kohl Funeral Home I had a visit with Steve Kohl about their new facility just off HIghway 21.

Steve told me they are hoping to move in soon and if everything goes according to plan they will hold an open house toward the end of July.

Steve and his brother John are co-owners of the iconic Faribault funeral home that has assisted generation after generation of area residents in making final arrangements for their loved ones.

The current chapel was constructed in 1943 across from the historic Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour.

I noted during the parade it would be the final time we would be in front of the funeral home.

A senior living facility will be at the location next year.

Dennis Piper of Ivy Hills Senior Care has received a permit for a 16 unit facility once Parker-Kohl moves to their new location.

Steve told me the new facility will give them more room to operate with a community room to house receptions.

The chapel will be able to house about twice the number of people Parker-Kohl can presently accomodate at a funeral.

An on-site crematory is being added and a crematory for pets.

Steve believes it will be a welcome addition to the community and will serve the Faribault area for many years with his son Jacob studying to become the fourth generation involved in the service.



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