Pizza Luce Says They Have Suspended, Will Reevaluate Police Discounts
A restaurant chain is making waves on social media after taking a stance amid the protests for George Floyd.
Pizza Luce released a full statement on their Facebook page Tuesday (June 2nd), stating that they will be pulling their discount for police officers, effective immediately. Here is part of their statement regarding the new policy:
In light of the recent events, as of the opening of business on 6/2/20 we have suspended police discounts. In the coming weeks, we will take the time to further reevaluate our relationship with the police. We will be looking at existing contracts, regulations, and security stipulations in our operating agreements as well as discussing what our options are.
Note, we are not refusing service to the police; however, if an officer asks for the discount, we will let them know the discount has been suspended. The discount was a privilege we extended to them, it is not a right.
Pizza Luce has several locations across the state, including one in downtown Duluth. The Duluth location is found at 11 East Superior Street.
The chain did not state what exactly the discount for officers was and have not yet given an update regarding their further relationship with the police.
As of Friday morning (June 5th) the post had over 5,000 reactions and over 2,000 comments, with fans of the restaurant both agreeing and disagreeing with the termination of discounts for officers. You can read it in full below:
Pizza Luce is known for their unique homemade pizzas, appetizers and hoagies. According to their website, they have nine locations across the state, including Roseville, St. Paul and Eden Prairie.