This footage is from March 2020 and features a Minnesota man, who was already pulled over earlier that night, according to the video, take police on a wild ride that features the driver losing his cargo, driving down railroad tracks trying to escape, before getting stuck in a field trying to flee police.

The video was put together by Youtube User MN Safety and features at least two different squad car dashcam footage of the incident.

You see towards the beginning of the video the red pickup pullover briefly, and then take off after the deputy shouted commands to show his hands and to get out of the vehicle. Once he got going, the driver, who must have realized his mistake, went for broke as he eventually turns onto a railroad track, causing his truck to bounce wildly and creating a shower of sparks as the bottom of his truck hit the rail.

After getting off the tracks, the man loses his cargo, what appears to be a mini-bike and maybe an ATV out of the back of the truck, while he goes along the railroad tracks. The man driving eventually gets stuck in a wet field and law enforcement is able to take him into custody. But not before burying his truck, and flinging enough mud on a county cruiser to render their windshield wipers useless.

The video is pretty surreal to me and shows how desperate some people are to 'get' out of trouble.

I did some online research into this time, and couldn't seem to find anything about this chase. If you know something let me know, as I'd like to know more about what happened to the driver.

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