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Minneapolis (KROC AM News) -  Former Brooklyn Center police officer Kim Potter will spend the Christmas weekend in jail and is also facing possible years in prison.

After deliberating for about 27 hours over a four-day period, a Hennepin County jury Thursday afternoon convicted Potter of 1st and 2nd-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Daunte Wright.

The 20-year-old was shot during what started as a traffic stop in April. Potter has said she thought she had drawn her Taser to use on Wright as he was trying to drive away but instead shot him with her gun.

Her attorneys asked to allow Potter to remain free until sentencing but the trial judge ordered her held without bail until sentencing, which is scheduled Feb. 18th. Before then, the judge will hear arguments on whether the 49-year-old Potter should receive a sentence longer than recommended under state guidelines which is a maximum of 15 years for the 1st degree manslaughter conviction.

Jury Reaches Decision In Kim Potter Trial
(Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)
Kim Potter Found Guilty In Manslaughter Trial
(Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)

The trial judge has also ordered Potter be turned over to the state Corrections Department within a few days:

1. That the defendant shall be committed to the Commissioner of Corrections pending completion of the presentence investigation and the report and sentencing in this matter.

to the Commissioner no sooner than (3) business days after the date of this order.

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